Monday, October 19, 2009

Vintner Wannabee

Why wine?

Wine is such an enigma. It makes me feel refined and cosmopolitan, not to mention a bit coquettish. At the same time I get all homey and comfortable before the first glass is fini'.

I'm starting this blog in hopes of keeping my desire to actually make some wine until I can get the stuff together to do it.

My plan:

Get a wine-making kit and make some wine using some concentrate until I get the hang of things.

By next fall, hopefully, I will attempt to make some wine with all, or some of my foraged goods - blueberries, quinces, chokecherries, staghorn sumac, and maybe rose hip (I've never harvested these but I've spotted them in various places nearby). I'd also like to try to make mead - I like mead. I have honey-making acquaintances that will hopefully give me a good deal.

While this is all happening, it will be imperative that I taste, sample, use and abuse various wines to educate myself in 'what makes a good wine'.

I will also query the masses via the internets. Starting here:

Tell me reader and connoisseur,
What, to your tastes, makes a glass of wine a lil' blessing from the heavens?

~Salut Linny

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