Since I had decided that my wine-making would consist of my own grown or foraged goodies (or purchased from locals), I had given up the idea of making regular old grape wine. Grapes are not a great crop here in Maine.

Still I picked up a near-death grapevine plant from the bottom sale shelf at a Lowes...of all places. It's been in the ground a couple weeks now and looking quite happy. We'll see how it does. I might search for a local source for grapes, but I decided I really didn't want to use concentrates.
My grapevine:)
Sorry blog, I made these decisions without you. Don't be offended.
Some Other Stuff
I bottled the cranberry wine. It was cloudier than I would have liked. (I think I need to rack more often). But what I tasted, tasted pretty good. I started this wine on Thanksgiving so it's only about 5 months old. I'm excited to try it next fall.
Here's my label I made for the mead. :)

I'm not sure what the vintage date should actually be? When I set the stuff to fermenting or when it's bottled or what. I'm guessing when it's bottled, however you can bottle a wine years after the fermentation....hmm. I'll have to do some research.
~Salut Linny